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Affinity FCU

Here for your wellbeing
Belong to a community that cares for you and supports your financial life.

Test Title

Here for your wellbeing
Belong to a community that cares for you and supports your financial life.

Title Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt vitae dolor vitae semper.



This is for only testing purposes in order to see the functionality of the WYSIWYG section as a Drag & Drop component

Loan Type Term APR Monthly Payment per $1,000 Borrowed (30 days to first)
New Auto Up to 36 Months 1.89% $28.59
Up to 48 Months 2.04% $21.71
  Up to 60  Months 2.26% $17.64
  Up to 72  Months 2.61% $15.02
Up to 84 Months 2.95% $13.82

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This is the first testimonial. This is the first testimonial. This is the first testimonial. This is the first testimonial.

Matt D

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The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial The second testimonial

Mel Gibson

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By: Matt D

Details of the eblog will be provided here

The world is not interested the storms you've encountered, but did you bring in the ship

FAQ Section

Is my money insured?

What is More ?

More is a program that rewards members for doing more with us. The more products and services you use, the more perks you get. Members with a score of 200-399 receive More perks. And members with a score of 400+ receive EvenMore perks.

How do I qualify for More?

You are automatically enrolled in the program if you have a MoreScore of 200 points (or more). You earn points based on the Affinity products and services you use.

  • Your MoreScore is updated on the last business day of each month (business days exclude Sundays and Holidays) and members can advance effective the first day of the following month unless they are no longer a member in good standing.
  • Effective May 1st, 2015, once you achieve the More or EvenMore level, you will retain that level through October 31st, 2015, at which point it will be re-evaluated. Please note that to be eligible for More, you must remain a member in good standing.

What is a MoreScore?

Your MoreScore determines which level of MorePerks you enjoy. This score is based on points assigned to the products and services you use: your total number of points is your MoreScore. If you have a MoreScore of 200-399, you qualify for More benefits, and if your MoreScore is 400+, you qualify for EvenMore benefits. Your MoreScore is updated every month on the last business day of each month, and if you qualify for More or EvenMore perks, your benefits will begin on the first day of the following month.

How do I know what my MoreScore is?

You can find your MoreScore by using the online calculator. Or, call us at 800.325.0808, stop by any branch, or use the Secure Chat feature in Affinity Online Banking.

How do I earn MorePoints?

You earn points based on your relationship with Affinity - for the products and services you use. For complete details, view "How You Earn MorePoints."

I have two checking accounts - will I get MorePoints for each account?

Points for each category of product are limited to one set of points per product category. However, your "Checking, Savings and Certificate Balances" include balances from all your accounts, so it will include balances from both your checking accounts.

Will I receive MorePoints for accounts on which I am a joint (not the primary) accountholder?
Company Contact Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico

What balances are included in the "Checking, Savings and Certificate Balances"? Qualifying balances include those from any/all Affinity savings, checking and certificate accounts, and they also include balances in Affinity IRA Savings Plans. However, due to regulatory restrictions, we are unable to include Affinity Investment Services balances.

What is Paperless Banking?

To qualify for points for Paperless Banking, enroll in Online Documents (receive your statements and other account documents online); and also use Online or Mobile Banking at least once a month ("use" means at minimum, logging into Affinity Online or Mobile Banking, or using any Online Banking text alerts).

Is there annual fees?

What is More ?

More is a program that rewards members for doing more with us. The more products and services you use, the more perks you get. Members with a score of 200-399 receive More perks. And members with a score of 400+ receive EvenMore perks.

How do I qualify for More?

You are automatically enrolled in the program if you have a MoreScore of 200 points (or more). You earn points based on the Affinity products and services you use.

  • Your MoreScore is updated on the last business day of each month (business days exclude Sundays and Holidays) and members can advance effective the first day of the following month unless they are no longer a member in good standing.
  • Effective May 1st, 2015, once you achieve the More or EvenMore level, you will retain that level through October 31st, 2015, at which point it will be re-evaluated. Please note that to be eligible for More, you must remain a member in good standing.

What is a MoreScore?

Your MoreScore determines which level of MorePerks you enjoy. This score is based on points assigned to the products and services you use: your total number of points is your MoreScore. If you have a MoreScore of 200-399, you qualify for More benefits, and if your MoreScore is 400+, you qualify for EvenMore benefits. Your MoreScore is updated every month on the last business day of each month, and if you qualify for More or EvenMore perks, your benefits will begin on the first day of the following month.

How do I know what my MoreScore is?

You can find your MoreScore by using the online calculator. Or, call us at 800.325.0808, stop by any branch, or use the Secure Chat feature in Affinity Online Banking.

How do I earn MorePoints?

You earn points based on your relationship with Affinity - for the products and services you use. For complete details, view "How You Earn MorePoints."

I have two checking accounts - will I get MorePoints for each account?

Points for each category of product are limited to one set of points per product category. However, your "Checking, Savings and Certificate Balances" include balances from all your accounts, so it will include balances from both your checking accounts.

Will I receive MorePoints for accounts on which I am a joint (not the primary) accountholder?
Company Contact Country
Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Germany
Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco Chang Mexico

What balances are included in the "Checking, Savings and Certificate Balances"? Qualifying balances include those from any/all Affinity savings, checking and certificate accounts, and they also include balances in Affinity IRA Savings Plans. However, due to regulatory restrictions, we are unable to include Affinity Investment Services balances.

What is Paperless Banking?

To qualify for points for Paperless Banking, enroll in Online Documents (receive your statements and other account documents online); and also use Online or Mobile Banking at least once a month ("use" means at minimum, logging into Affinity Online or Mobile Banking, or using any Online Banking text alerts).

Product Detail Info

some description is provided here

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Product Detail List
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Description for Product 1
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Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3 Description for Product 3

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Description for Box 1

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Description for Box 3

Product Detail Slider

Right Title

Card 1

Description for Card 1

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Description for Card 2

Card 3

Description for Card 3

Card 4

Description for Card 4

Rates Date


Qui quasi architecto qui deleniti voluptatem et nihil amet eum explicabo ullam sed laudantium nisi et repellendus maxime est sunt nesciunt? Ab dicta galisum et voluptatem consequatur et galisum fuga aut quia soluta et galisum sequi et libero ipsum sit expedita voluptatem? Et minus fugiat hic doloribus inventore et fuga doloribus in esse ullam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Rem libero laborum sed enim iste rem unde rerum. Et nobis doloribus et alias corporis qui iusto quasi non quaerat quae?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Rem libero laborum sed enim iste rem unde rerum. Et nobis doloribus et alias corporis qui iusto quasi non quaerat quae?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Rem libero laborum sed enim iste rem unde rerum. Et nobis doloribus et alias corporis qui iusto quasi non quaerat quae?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Rem libero laborum sed enim iste rem unde rer

Card Title
Qui quasi architecto qui deleniti voluptatem et nihil amet eum explicabo ullam sed laudantium nisi et repellendus maxime est sunt nesciunt? Ab dicta galisum et voluptatem consequatur et galisum fuga aut quia soluta et galisum sequi et libero ipsum sit expedita voluptatem? Et minus fugiat hic doloribus inventore et fuga doloribus in esse ullam

Commodo amet incididunt aliqua mollit veniam nostrud laboris proident elit dolor pariatur elit enim. Esse non sint nisi quis adipisicing est. Elit incididunt ex id veniam veniam elit labore. Veniam elit commodo adipisicing est culpa non dolor tempor nisi occaecat in ipsum est laborum. Deserunt dolor pariatur Lorem est velit non in adipisicing. Esse Lorem non consequat commodo eiusmod tempor mollit eu elit id.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Aut alias maiores aut rerum fugit est voluptatem consequatur hic obcaecati natus ea minus consequuntur. Non impedit consequatur non praesentium laudantium ut exercitationem voluptatum ut magni reiciendis ut nihil asperiores est necessitatibus voluptas qui veniam numquam?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Est amet dolores aut dolorem nihil qui omnis laudantium 33 distinctio quaerat sit soluta corporis!