Maximum Earning Power. Total Access.
Want to earn an impressive rate while having peace of mind your funds are available when you need them? Maximize your earnings with our new Premier Money Manager account earning up to 4.75% APY—available exclusively to clients of Affinity Investment Services (AIS). Visit your nearest Affinity branch or call 1-800-213-5003 to open your Premier Money Manager account today.
Earn 4.75% APY
On your entire balance of $25,000 or more. Balances below $25,000 earn 0.05% APY.
No Fees
No monthly service fees or minimum balance requirements.
Federally Insured
Your deposits are federally insured by the NCUA up to $250,0003.
Calculate Your Savings
See how quickly your savings can grow with the Affinity High-Yield Savings Account.